HybriCool IDEC
Multi - Stage Evaporative Cooling
Stage 1 – Indirect Evaporative Cooling
In first indirect stage air is cooled without adding moisture. In this sensible cooling stage, inlet air is precooled with Indirect Evaporative Cooling technology. First-stage cooling follows a line of constant moisture content as no moisture is added to the primary airstream. This method improves energy efficiency by lowering the dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures without use of compressors.
Stage 2 – Direct Evaporative Cooling
The same air stream passes through a wet (evaporative pad) where additional cooling takes place and the air is saturated with moisture which is required to condition the space. The second stage follows the wet bulb temperature line at the condition of the air leaving the first stage. Supply air is delivered at near saturated state which has lower humidity than using only a direct evaporative cooler.
System Advantages
No compressor and refrigerant
Natural cooling by evaporation of water
Better performance at higher ambiant temperatures
Consumes less electricity than A/C Systems
Upto 5 °C better cooling and lower supply temperature than direct evaporative cooling
100% Fresh Air
- 1st stage cooling module contains PPP heat exchanger, water nozzles and PP water piping with drain solenoid valve
- 2nd stage cooling module contains evaporative pads with nozzles, 3-way valve
- Direct driven centrifugal plug fans with frequency inverter
- G4 – ISO ePM10 pre-filter as standard
- F7 – F9 ISO ePM2.5 or ISO ePM1 final filter as optional
- Control system fully equipped with sensors and actuators
- Mod-Bus RTU
- Bacnet MSTP
- Room controller