Our children spend most of their time during the day in a classroom where they should learn things that are important for their later achievements in education and finally in their profession. The classrooms should promote, therefore, a good learning environment.

-Measured values of CO2 concentrations in schools in six European countries. The bars depict mean values, also stated as numbers, the whiskers indicate the minima and the maxima from the underlying studies.
*Study Report – Impact of the indoor environment on learning in schools in Europe -Gunnar Grün, Susanne Urlaub – Holzkirchen, Stuttgart, December 2015.
The indoor environment should not hinder the learning of the children, e.g. with a high noise level, overheated rooms or inadequate lightning conditions or a tuffy and unhealty air. Unfortunately, many schools do not provide an adequate indoor environment. Many schools fail to provide a sufficient outdoor air supply rate and they are too warm in the summer months.

*Effects of CO2 concentration on human health.
As classrooms are densely occupied spaces with a metabolic production of CO2 by the occupants, the CO2-concentration is directly dependent on the ventilation rate. Typical recommended values; levels below 1000 ppm are considered as hygienically unproblematic and above 2000 ppm as hygienically inacceptable.
Obviously such values are not reached very often, which is most likely associated with unsufficient ventilation behaviour of the occupants, especially during winter.
HybriCool Flat, HybriCool Flat-V and HybriCool HE devices with 100% fresh air, developed by AiolosAir, reach the fresh air values needed in the classrooms.
With its 100% fresh air, high efficiency and heat recovery, ultra-quiet ventilation units, AiolosAir performs well above the efficiency and energy saving standards provided in existing school and classroom ventilation systems.
School & Clasroom Ventilation Products