Horizontal Type %100 Fresh Air Heat Recovery Ventilation Unit dedicated for school class room ventilation. Unit casing is air tight, outer surface powder coated single skin, aluminium folio covered 25 mm A1 fire resistant Rockwool (EN 14303) insulated for lowest heat transfer and sound absorption. 1,5 mm steel inner frame sustain rigid construction. To ensure high energy efficiency, unit is equipped with counterflow heat exchanger with %87 heat recovery efficiency. Thanks to low internal pressure loss design to meet 1,15 kWs/m3 SFP. Free cooling mode is available when outside air conditions are convenient. Supply air is heated to room temp with standard equiped electric heater, or optional high capacity electric heater for the classrooms without any additional heating needed.
Unit is equipped with 2 stage filter, as standard, in supply air side ISOePM10 + ISOePM2.5 and single stage filter in return air side ISOePM10. Optional ISOePM1 compact filter is also possible when requested. Unit air volume is adjustable in 5 stages in manuel mod, or via 0-10V proportional with optional CO2 sensor in auto mod. IE4 efficiency class EC direct driven fans, without any need of frequency inverter. Unit is ready for operation with, factory installed, control panel and fully equipped with control components. Unit can be remote monitored and controlled via ModBUS communication protocol.
Dedicated room controller with display, maintains easy control and operation. With optional wall type CO2 sensor unit can operate in Auto Mod depending on the room CO2 level.